Be the Light or Be the Mirror

This is the season of light. The winter solstice is coming—the shortest day (light). For millennia mankind has celebrated the return of light with significant celebrations and holy days (holidays).

As you celebrate this year, think of and thank those who have brought light into your life and commit yourself to be bringing your light to others in your days ahead. Commit to being the light, bringing the light to your world this holiday season and throughout the new year.

We get to create our reality every day. We get to make the world a brighter place. We serve an important role through our businesses, through the problems we solve and through the positivity we can bring. You bring light by being your best authentic self. By focusing on helping others. By shining a light on what is right and by not participating in negativity and scarcity thinking.

You also bring light by being a mirror. By living out your gratitude and by amplifying positive news, humor and sincere empathy and caring. This weekʼs coaching tip—shining your light and reflecting positivity will bring meaning and growth to your life, both business and personal. Happy Holidays and best wishes for a year of growth.

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